Friday, September 25, 2009


Maybe I have lots to say
Regardless of what you may think,
But I keep them to myself... for now.
It has to be autumn,
Probably a cool afternoon,
Just after rain...
Above us,
A clear sky with the perfect moon...

Maybe I have lots to say
Regardless of how you may react,
But I keep them to myself... for now.
You should be wearing your favorite shirt,
Probably the red one,
Then possibly,
The words will escape from my mouth
One by one...

Maybe I have lots to say
Regardless of what you may do,
But I keep them to myself... for now
We should be sitting in a cafe
How about some candles and a bottle of wine?
As the flames hesitating on your face,
I will come up
With the perfect line...

Maybe I have lots to say
Regardless of how you may feel
I don't know when, I don't know how
So, I keep them to myself....
For now....


Wednesday, September 9, 2009


It is time
I have to sit down alone, and think,
Just to defy my mind.
Sit down and think,
Scrape every wound,
Poke every cell that turned blind...
It's time, I know,
Time to blast my soul
Wither all the complaining
It is time.... it is time...
While I am still hot
While it is still raining...