Friday, July 31, 2015


It was maybe 10 or 12 years ago when I got connected to internet for the first time and discovered something called “a chat room” …. and finally a little chat window “popped” on my screen.

- ASL?
- What?
- ASL?

Not knowing what the hell that meant and trying to stay cool I just answered “I don't know...”

- What do you mean you don't know? If you don't wanna tell me don't tell me ok?

And “puff” he left... I was wondering why I pissed this person off. What the hell was he asking for? Cybersex or something? While I was wondering about all this, another window popped in front of me.

- ASL?

I had to be more careful this time. So I said, “ Yes ! ” hoping that I said something good.

- What do you mean yes
- Yes, ASL.
- Then tell me...
- I am telling you....
- What?
- ASL... isn't that what you wanna know?
- Yes
-So yes, ASL...
-Ass hole...

I had no idea why people were getting angry with me. Even when I was telling them what they wanted to hear. After loosing couple of people I decided to ask directly what the hell this ASL meant... “Pop!!!” another chat window:

-ASL please?

“Hmmm polite person”, I thought.... “I could ask this one”

“Excuse me” I said “... but what is ASL?”

-34, male, USA
- No . No, what is ASL?
- Oh I see... sorry, that is my ASL... Age, Sex, Location...



It's been a long time since this conversation and I have learned some (not a lot) about internet jargon. Now everyone knows what BRB (be right back), IMAO (In my arrogant opinion), LOL (Laughing Out Loud) , ROFL (Rolling On The Floor). WTF (What The F#@k) … No big deal. We all use them.
It's part of this cyber world that we all share. But how is it affecting our real world, our real world conversations, especially the new generation?
Couple of weeks ago, sitting in coffee shop, I overheard this conversation from the next table. These two girls were talking without even a reminder of smile on their faces about something funny. (Please read pronouncing each letter, like they were doing)

Girl 1: WTF girl... Did he really say that?

Girl 2: OMG I can not believe that.

Girl 1: yeah LOL...

Girl 2: ROLF ...

And I felt like turning to them and saying:

Hey Girls you are really funny and,

In Case You Didn't Know, I am Laughing Out Loud, Falling Out Of Chair, Rolling On The Floor, Laughing My Fucking Ass Off While Biting the Carpet, Scaring The Cats And Dogs, Until I Violently Soiled Myself, Till I Die, While Keeping My Middle Finger In The Air...

Sorry, Could Not Resist

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